Piano Scale - F Major
In music, scale is an important factor. It is sequence of musical notes or sounds. A Scale has ascending or descending order. Some scales have ascending and a descending portion but in descending portion will change in melodic minor..A scale has eight notes letter-names in alphabetical order, the last note or sound having the same as the first .A major scale has Whole tones and semi tones. A major scale is defined as the interval pattern Whole Tone-Whole Tone-Semi Tone- Whole Tone-Whole Tone- Whole Tone- Semi Tone, where Whole Tone means full note or Whole note and Semi Tone stands for half step. The semi tones occur between 3 and 4 and between 7 and 8 all major scales. For example, In C major (C to C) there are eight notes. That means, C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),here 3 and 4(E and F),7 and 8 (B and C) are semitones and others are whole tones. In white keys except F and B, and others (C D E G A) are using 1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5 fingers for right hand at the same time 5,4,3,2,1,3,2,1 for left hand. We can identify other major scales with the help of above theory. But the finger position will change all other major scales. In major scales there are two tetra chords. That is, the first four notes of the scale are the first tetra chord and second 4 notes are second tetra chord. For example, in c major scale C D E F are the First Tetra chord and G A B C are second Tetra chord. Based on their interval patterns, scales are divided into different categories .For example, major, minor,, chromatic, blues, pentatonic and more. The major scale is the first diatonic scale and another name for the major scale is Ionian. In Carnatic raga Sangarabharanam is the similar notes of major scales.
SANGARABHARANAM (29) https://musiclegato.com/Tutorial/Carnatic.aspx?ky=C&sty=SANGARABHARANAM&pat=1-3-5-6-8-10-12-13&comb=&tp=1&idx=28
Ionian mode https://musiclegato.com/Tutorial/Chords.aspx?ky=C&sty=Ionian&pat=1-3-5-6-8-10-12-13&comb=&tp=1&idx=16